


柴油发电机/柴油发电机组/发电机组生产厂家|★扬州海弘机电设备有限公司 江都区海华发电设备厂★

柴油发电机组的功率 Power of diesel generator set















1. Continuous power (COP): The maximum power output of a generator set that operates continuously at a constant load and has unlimited annual operating hours under agreed operating conditions and maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

2. Basic power (PRP): maintained under agreed operating conditions and in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications

Maintenance refers to the maximum power output of a generator set that operates continuously at variable loads and has unlimited annual operating hours. The average power output (Ppp) during a 24-hour operating cycle should not exceed 70% of the PRP, unless otherwise agreed with the RIC engine manufacturer. In applications where the required average power output Ppp is higher than the specified value, continuous power COP should be used.

3. Time limited operating power (LTP): Under agreed operating conditions and maintenance according to the manufacturer's specifications, the diesel generator set can operate for up to 500 hours of maximum power per year. The maximum operating time per year is 500 hours at 100% limited operating power.

4. Emergency Reserve Power (ESP): Under agreed operating conditions and manufacturer's specifications for maintenance, the diesel generator set operates at variable load and can reach a maximum power of 200 hours per year in the event of a power outage or under experimental conditions. The average power output allowed within a 24-hour operating cycle should not exceed 70% ESP, unless otherwise agreed with the manufacturer.

This standard also specifies the on-site conditions for the operation of generator sets: the on-site conditions are determined by the user, and in the absence of known and otherwise specified on-site conditions, the following rated on-site conditions should be adopted.

1) Absolute atmospheric pressure: 899kPa (or 1000m altitude).

2) Environmental temperature: 40 ℃.

3) Relative humidity: 60%.
