


柴油发电机/柴油发电机组/发电机组生产厂家|★扬州海弘机电设备有限公司 江都区海华发电设备厂★

柴油发电机组运行 Diesel generator set operation



After running for a period of time, the generator set should be regularly inspected. The long-distance unit should be checked every 6-8 hours, and the standby unit should be checked again after shutdown. The inspection areas can include lubricating oil residue, air filter blockage indicator, coolant level, radiator and external ventilation, engine transmission belt assembly, fuel supply, etc. After every 50 hours of operation of the diesel generator set, the accumulated water in the oil-water separator should be discharged and the electrolyte level of the starting battery should be checked; After running the new unit for 200-300 hours, it is necessary to check the valve clearance and the fuel injector. After every 400 hours of operation of the generator set, the drive belt needs to be checked and adjusted, and replaced if necessary. The radiator chip and the sludge in the fuel tank need to be checked and cleaned; Lubricating oil and oil filter need to be replaced every 600 hours of operation or at least every 12 months; The frequency of lubricating oil replacement for the unit varies depending on the quality of the lubricating oil, the sulfur content of the fuel, and the consumption of lubricating oil by the diesel generator set. Every 800 hours of operation, the oil-water separator and fuel filter should be replaced, the turbocharger should be checked for leaks, the intake pipeline should be checked for leaks, and the fuel pipeline should be inspected and cleaned; Adjust the valve clearance after every 1200 hours of operation; After every 2000 hours of operation, replace the air filter and coolant, thoroughly clean the radiator chips and water channels of the water tank; After every 2400 hours of operation, check the fuel injectors, thoroughly inspect and clean the turbocharger, and thoroughly inspect the engine equipment.
