


柴油发电机/柴油发电机组/发电机组生产厂家|★扬州海弘机电设备有限公司 江都区海华发电设备厂★

柴油发电机组安装需注意哪些? What should be paid attention to when installing diesel generator sets?


1、 安装地点需保持通风良好,发电机端应有足够的进风口,柴油端应有良好的出风口,出风口面积应大于水箱面积1.5倍以上。

2、 安装地的周围保持清洁,避免在附近放置能产生酸性,碱性等腐蚀性气体和蒸汽的物品,有条件的应配置灭火装置。

3、 若在室内使用,必须将排烟管道通到室外,管径必须消音器的出烟管直径,所接之管路的弯头不宜超过3个,以保证排烟畅通,并应将管子向下倾斜5-10度,避免雨水注入,若排气管是垂直向上安装的,必须加装防雨罩。

4、 基础采用混凝土时,在安装时必须用水平尺测其水平度,使机组固定于水平的基础上,柴油发电机与基础之间应有专用防震垫或低脚螺栓。

5、 柴油发电机组外壳必须有可靠的保护接地,对需要有中性点直接接地的发电机,必须由专业人员进行中性点接地,并配备防雷装置,严禁利用市电的接地装置进行中性点直接接地。

6、 发电机组与市电的双向开关必须十分可靠,以防倒送电。双向开关的接线可靠性需经过当地供电部门的检查认可。

7、 起动电瓶的接线必须牢固。

1. The installation site should maintain good ventilation, with sufficient air inlet at the generator end and good air outlet at the diesel end. The air outlet area should be more than 1.5 times larger than the water tank area.

2. Keep the surroundings of the installation site clean and avoid placing items that can produce corrosive gases and vapors such as acidic and alkaline substances nearby. If conditions permit, fire extinguishing devices should be installed.

3. If used indoors, the exhaust pipe must be connected to the outside, with a diameter equal to or greater than the diameter of the muffler's exhaust pipe. The number of bends in the connected pipe should not exceed 3 to ensure smooth exhaust, and the pipe should be tilted downwards by 5-10 degrees to avoid rainwater from entering. If the exhaust pipe is installed vertically upwards, a rain cover must be installed.

4. When the foundation is made of concrete, its levelness must be measured with a spirit level during installation to fix the unit on a horizontal foundation. There should be dedicated shock-absorbing pads or low foot bolts between the diesel generator and the foundation.

5. The casing of diesel generator sets must have reliable protective grounding. For generators that require direct grounding of the neutral point, it must be grounded by professionals and equipped with lightning protection devices. It is strictly prohibited to use the grounding device of the mains for direct grounding of the neutral point.

6. The bidirectional switch between the generator set and the mains power must be very reliable to prevent reverse power transmission. The wiring reliability of bidirectional switches needs to be inspected and approved by the local power supply department.

7. The wiring for starting the battery must be secure.
