


柴油发电机/柴油发电机组/发电机组生产厂家|★扬州海弘机电设备有限公司 江都区海华发电设备厂★

柴油发电机组在使用中应该注意哪些? What should be noted when using a diesel generator set?



 柴油发电机组是柴油发动机与发电机(通常是交流发电机)的组合以产生电能。 柴油压燃式发动机通常设计成在燃油上运行,但是有一些类型适用于其他液体燃料或天然气。发电机是将其他形式的能源转换成电能的机械设备


1 每次开机前,应做好“起动前的准备”工作。切记柴油机必须空载起动。

2 对新的或经大修后的柴油机,开始使用时必经60h磨合运行(严禁空载或低速运行)。

3 柴油机起动后,应先空载运行3~5min,然后才允许逐步加速及加载,待柴油机的出水温度高于75℃、机油温度高于50℃、机油压力高于0.25Mpa时,才允许进入全负荷运行。

4 对新的增压柴油机或新调换的增压器,都必须卸下增压器上的进油管接头,加注50~60mL的机油,防止起动时因缺油而烧坏增压器轴承。

5 一般不允许在不带空气滤清器时开动柴油机(船用柴油除外),防止灰尘和杂质进入柴油机,以免柴油机早期磨损。

6 柴油机运行时应时刻观察柴油机的运行动态和所有仪表的指示值。如遇紧急情况应采取紧急停车措施,防止因缺水过热或机油失压而使柴油机咬死。

7 在调整三角胶带张力及其它驱动装置时,应使柴油机处于停车状态。

8 对运行中的柴油机,加注冷却液时(闭式)应小心防止蒸气伤人。只有在水温低于70℃才允许打开压力盖。

9 防止柴油机在突减负荷时,因调速器失灵而引起的“飞车”。









A diesel generator is a small power generation device that refers to a power machinery that uses diesel or other fuels and a diesel engine as the prime mover to drive the generator to generate electricity. The entire unit is generally composed of components such as a diesel engine, generator, control box, fuel tank, starting and control battery, protective device, emergency cabinet, etc. Can be used for daily power generation and emergency power generation in various households, offices, large, medium and small enterprises.

A diesel generator set is a combination of a diesel engine and a generator (usually an AC generator) to generate electrical energy. Diesel compression ignition engines are typically designed to run on fuel, but there are some types that are suitable for other liquid fuels or natural gas. A generator is a mechanical device that converts other forms of energy into electrical energy.

Precautions for using diesel generator sets:

1. Before each startup, it is necessary to prepare for the start-up process. Remember that diesel engines must be started with no load.

2. For new or overhauled diesel engines, they must undergo a 60 hour break in operation before starting to use (no no-load or low-speed operation is allowed).

3. After starting the diesel engine, it should run without load for 3-5 minutes before gradually accelerating and loading. Only when the outlet temperature of the diesel engine is higher than 75 ℃, the oil temperature is higher than 50 ℃, and the oil pressure is higher than 0.25Mpa, can it enter full load operation.

4. For new turbocharged diesel engines or newly replaced turbochargers, the inlet pipe joint on the turbocharger must be removed and 50-60mL of engine oil must be added to prevent the turbocharger bearings from being burned out due to lack of oil during start-up.

5. It is generally not allowed to start a diesel engine without an air filter (except for marine diesel) to prevent dust and impurities from entering the diesel engine and prevent early wear and tear.

6. During the operation of the diesel engine, it is necessary to constantly observe the dynamic operation of the engine and the indicated values of all instruments. In case of emergency, emergency stop measures should be taken to prevent the diesel engine from biting due to water shortage, overheating or oil pressure loss.

7. When adjusting the tension of the triangular tape and other driving devices, the diesel engine should be in a stopped state.

8. When adding coolant to a running diesel engine (closed), care should be taken to prevent steam from injuring people. The pressure cap is only allowed to be opened when the water temperature is below 70 ℃.

9. Prevent the "runaway" caused by the failure of the governor during sudden load reduction of the diesel engine.

10. It is absolutely not allowed to use seawater to directly cool diesel engines. In case of malfunction of the temperature regulator that controls the water temperature, it should be replaced immediately and should not be dismantled or used casually.

11. After the diesel engine is shut down, especially in cold weather when antifreeze coolant is not used, all cooling water in the cooling water chamber should be drained to prevent cracking of the engine components.

12. Regularly check whether all fastening bolts and nuts are loose.

13. Any lead seal on the diesel engine cannot be removed and adjusted by the user at will. If necessary, it should be sent to a specialized department for repair or adjustment.

14. When the diesel engine is parked or maintained for a long time, in order to prevent accidental starting of the diesel engine, the connecting wires between the diesel engine and the battery should be removed.

15. When replenishing battery electrolyte, care should be taken to avoid acid injury.

16. When adding engine oil, different specifications of lubricating oil should not be mixed.

17. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and carry out daily maintenance and third level maintenance.
