


柴油发电机/柴油发电机组/发电机组生产厂家|★扬州海弘机电设备有限公司 江都区海华发电设备厂★

柴油发电机组调试步骤 Debugging steps for diesel generator set

















































Before any type of diesel generator set is installed and put into operation, a comprehensive inspection of the unit must be carried out to ensure that everything is foolproof. So, how should the inspection be carried out?

1、 Unsealing of diesel engine

In order to prevent corrosion of the diesel engine, both the inside and outside of the product are sealed with oil when it leaves the factory. Therefore, after the installation of the new unit is completed and meets the installation requirements, it must be unsealed before starting. Failure to take responsibility may cause a risk of runaway and should be taken seriously.

2、 The steps for removing the oil seal are as follows:

1. Heat the diesel to above 45 ℃~56 ℃ for cleaning and removing external rust proof oil.

2. Heat the water to above 90 ℃, then continuously pour it in from the water jacket outlet, and let it flow out through the water discharge switch (or water pump inlet) on the side of the cylinder block for 2-3 hours, while intermittently shaking the crankshaft to dissolve the rust proof oil on the piston top, cylinder liner surface, and other areas.

3. Clean the oil pan with clean diesel and replace with new engine oil. The cooling and fuel system, fuel injection speed control system, water pump, and starting transmission system should be cleaned and inspected according to the instructions, and sufficient clean cooling water should be added. The starting battery should be adequately charged, and preparations should be made before starting up.

3、 Inspection before unit test run

The inspection steps before the diesel engine test are as follows:

1. Check if the surface of the unit is clean and tidy; Check for looseness in the anchor nuts, flywheel screws, and other moving parts nuts, and tighten them promptly if any problems are found.

2. Check whether the gaps between each part are correct, especially carefully inspect whether the gaps between the intake and exhaust valves and the pressure reducing mechanism meet the requirements.

3. Place each cylinder in the depressurization position, rotate the crankshaft to check for any abnormal sounds from the operation of the cylinder components and whether the crankshaft rotates freely. At the same time, pump the oil pump into the friction surface, then close the depressurization mechanism, shake the crankshaft, and check for air leakage in the cylinder. If it feels difficult to shake the crankshaft, it indicates normal compression.

4. Check the condition of the fuel supply system, the steps are as follows:

① Check if the vent hole on the fuel tank cap is smooth, and if there is any dirt in the hole, it should be cleaned thoroughly. Whether the added diesel meets the required grade, whether the fuel volume is sufficient, and turn on the oil circuit switch.

② Turn on the pressure reducing mechanism and rotate the crankshaft. Each cylinder should have a clear fuel injection sound, indicating good fuel injection. If you hear the sound of fuel injection and there is no oil coming, there may be air in the oil circuit. At this time, you can loosen the air release screws of the diesel filter and fuel injection pump to eliminate the air in the oil circuit.

③ Check for oil leakage at the tubing and joints, and promptly address and resolve any issues found.

5. Check the condition of the water cooling system, the steps are as follows:

① Check if the cooling water in the water tank is sufficient. If the water is insufficient, add enough clean soft water.

② Check if there is any leakage in the joint water pipe, and promptly address and solve any problems found.

③ Check whether the impeller of the cooling water pump rotates flexibly and whether the tension of the drive belt is appropriate. Check the tightness of the drive belt, and push it down by hand in the middle of the rotating belt. It is advisable to press down the drive belt by 10-15mm.

6. Check the condition of the lubrication system, the steps are as follows:

① Check for oil leaks at the oil pipes and pipe joints, and promptly address and resolve any issues found.

② Check the oil level in the oil pan, pull out the dipstick next to the crankcase, and observe whether the height of the oil level meets the requirements of the regulations. Otherwise, add engine oil. For diesel engines, add No. 8 or No. 11 engine oil in winter and No. 14 engine oil in summer. When checking, if the oil level is found to be above the standard height, the reasons for the increase in oil should be carefully analyzed. There are usually three reasons for this.

a. When adding oil, add too much.

b. Diesel leaks into the crankcase, diluting the engine oil.

c. Cooling water leaks into the engine oil.

③ Oil holes that require manual refueling should be filled with engine oil and lubricated with grease using an oil gun.

7. Check the starting system condition, the steps are as follows:

a. First, check if the specific gravity of the starting battery's electric fluid is within the range of 1.240~1.280. If the specific gravity is less than 1.180, it indicates that the battery is low.

b. Check if the power cord is correct.

c. Check for dirt or oxidation on the battery terminals and polish them clean.

d. Check whether the electrical contact of the starter motor and electromagnetic control mechanism is good.

4、 The installation and inspection steps for the AC generator are as follows:

1. The coupling between the AC generator and the diesel generator requires that the parallelism and concentricity of the coupling be less than 0.05mm. In actual use, it is required to be slightly lower, within about 0.1mm. If it is too large, it will affect the normal operation of the bearing and cause damage. If the coupling is good, it should be fixed with positioning pins. Before installation, it is necessary to retest the coupling situation.

2. When the sliding bearing generator is coupled, the height of the generator center should be adjusted slightly to the center of the diesel engine, so that the weight of the flywheel on the diesel engine will not be transferred to the generator bearing. Otherwise, the generator bearing will bear the additional weight of the flywheel, which is not conducive to the formation of the sliding bearing oil film, resulting in heating and even burning of the bearing. The coupling of this type of generator should not carry any heavy objects.

3. When installing the generator, it is necessary to ensure that the cooling air inlet is unobstructed and to avoid the hot air discharged from entering the generator again. If there are louvers on the ventilation cover, the window should face downwards to meet the protection level requirements.

4. Special attention should be paid to the uniform air gap between the stator and rotor in the mechanical coupling of a single bearing generator.

5. According to the schematic or wiring diagram, select the appropriate power cable and use copper connectors for wiring. The copper connectors should be connected to the busbar, and after the busbar is tightened, the local gap at the joint should not exceed 0.05mm, and the distance between the wires should not exceed 10mm. Necessary grounding wires should also be installed.

6. The markings of U, V, W, and N on the wiring terminals inside the generator outlet box do not indicate that the actual phase sequence depends on the direction of rotation. The certificate of conformity is printed with UVW indicating the actual phase sequence when rotating clockwise, and VUW indicating the actual phase sequence when rotating counterclockwise.

7. If the neutral points of each diesel generator in the power supply system are connected to each other, or if the neutral points of the generator are connected to the neutral points of the transformer and its load, the generator set will output a neutral current of three times the frequency on the neutral line during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the neutral current of the generator under various load conditions that may occur during operation. In order to prevent the generator from overheating during operation, the line current should not exceed 50% of the rated current of the generator. The neutral power is too high, and a neutral reactor should be installed on the neutral line to limit it.
