


柴油发电机/柴油发电机组/发电机组生产厂家|★扬州海弘机电设备有限公司 江都区海华发电设备厂★

什么是发电机的短路比Kc,Kc与发电机结构有什么关系 What is the short-circuit ratio Kc of a generator? What is the relationship between Kc and the structure of the generator





The short-circuit ratio Kc is an important parameter that characterizes the static stability of a generator. The original meaning of Kc was the ratio of the short-circuit current to the rated current during three-phase steady-state short-circuit under the excitation current corresponding to the no-load rated voltage, that is, Kc=Iko/IN. Since the short-circuit characteristic is a straight line, Kc can be expressed as the ratio of the excitation current Ifo at the rated no-load voltage of the generator to the excitation current Ifk at the rated three-phase steady-state short-circuit current. The expression is: Kc=Ifo/Tfk ≈ 1/Xd. Xd is the reactance exhibited by the generator during sudden three-phase short circuit stability during operation, which is the generator's direct axis synchronous reactance (unsaturated value).

If the effect of saturation is ignored, the short-circuit ratio and the direct axis synchronous reactance Xd are reciprocal to each other. Short circuit ratio is small. When the synchronous reactance is large, the corresponding short-circuit current is small. However, when the load changes during operation, the voltage of the generator changes greatly, and the stability of the generator is poor when running in parallel, that is, the overload capacity of the generator is small and the voltage change rate is large, which affects the static stability and charging capacity of the power system. If the short-circuit ratio is large, the generator has a greater overload capacity, and the terminal voltage change caused by the load current is smaller, which can improve the static stability of the generator during system operation. But Kc increases the excitation current of the generator, increases the amount of copper used in the rotor, and increases the manufacturing cost. The short-circuit ratio is mainly proposed based on factors such as the transmission distance of the power plant and load changes. Generally, the K value of a hydroelectric generator is taken as 0.9~1.3. Structurally, the short-circuit ratio is approximately equal to.

It can be seen that in order to increase Kc, A needs to be reduced, that is, the size of the unit needs to be increased or the air gap needs to be increased, and the number of ampere turns of the rotor winding needs to be increased.
